Go Big Model – A Method of New Opportunities!

  • GBM helps companies become leaders in their industries through bold development and confident interaction at all levels.
  • GBM integrates the internal resources of individuals and teams.
  • GBM creates a long-term strategy for successful performance today and in the future.
  • GBM establishes conditions for rapid change and innovation.


Results companies will achieve by using the Go Big Model:

  • Growth in performance metrics and more effective collaboration.
  • A significant boost in energy, leadership, and creativity in solving challenges.
  • Development of a self-organizing team capable of succeeding in ambitious projects and becoming a driving force of corporate growth.
  • Achieving a balance between exceptional performance growth and maintaining high levels of satisfaction and happiness.


The main idea of the Go Big Model is that there are three important areas forming a unified system: Human, Team, Organization.

These areas can either enhance positive mutual influence and generate synergy or negatively impact each other, leading to decreased efficiency and a poor emotional climate.

Often, achieving better results doesn’t require extraordinary efforts. What may seem like a broken mechanism is, in fact, not broken; it simply needs adjustment.

The way to achieve outstanding results is through aligning the key competencies of individuals, teams, and the organization.


To achieve high results and establish synergy, the Go Big Model utilizes:

  • The 8 Competency Potential Model
  • 3 Levels of Measurement (Individual, Team, Organization)
  • A path of integrative development and alignment of key competencies across various levels.