Career Coaching

review of the situation – deep dive into values, interests, needs, strengths, areas of development – define decision criteria – identify and discuss options – create an action plan – implement and adjust continuously

Leadership Development

what does leadership mean for you – what is the core of your leadership style – what are your leadership principles and values – how can you make your style more flexible and resilient – who are your role models that influenced you – what behaviours do you want to reinforce – what do you want to stop – how can you become more playful and creative

Change Management

how can you steer through change – what models and concepts can give you orientation – what typical reactions to change can you observe – what is your approach to change – what is the difference between change and transition – how can you give others a feeling of safety and stability in insecure times – how can you make change more sustainable – how can you deal with resistance

Executive Coaching

how can you manage and negotiate expectations at top level – who are your stakeholders and how can you influence them – how can you shape the right culture – how can you inspire on a broader level – what else did you not consider yet, where are your blind spots – how can you continue to learn and continuously develop yourself – how can you accelerate and slow down delibaretely and take wise decisions

Transition Coaching

challenging change on a private or professional level – onboarding in a different or bigger role – wish for more clarity and awareness – letting go of old habits that do not serve you well