Everything we do starts in the brain.

How we think, act, make decisions, communicate, choose jobs, manage people and raise our children – it all depends on how we think. The benefits of understanding our own mindset include building better relationships, being more active participants in teamwork, and making wise and correct decisions. Making better decisions about work and career or choosing the right profession or course of study can lead over time to a constructive and more rewarding personal life and satisfaction at work.

To understand our mindset, we need to use a certified and well-researched measurement tool. We have chosen to offer the Neethling Brain Instrument, NBI™, as a foundation of reliable information on mental dispositions and the definition of total thinking.

We form relationships

Our mindset provides an indication of how we tend to communicate, manage, learn, teach, lead, solve problems, make decisions and form relationships, and many other aspects of life. The benefits of understanding your own mindset include: that you form better relationships, are a more active participant in teamwork and make wise and appropriate decisions.

While our “tendencies” can sometimes be helpful in certain situations, they can also detract from our ability to function effectively and purposefully. In order for us to become more effective – both personally and professionally – we need to better understand our tendencies.

Over 2,000,000 people of various ages from many countries have been profiled with NBI™. Ongoing research at numerous universities and institutes remains an essential part of brain science. There are now 20 different NBI™ diagnostics for both personal and commercial use.

NBI profiles provide guidance on how to:

We treat others

We do business

We communicate

We solve problems

We prefer to prioritize

Some important facts about the NBI

The NBI is based on scientific research. Dr. Kobus Neethling developed the NBI by profiling over 200,000 individuals of various ages from many countries. Ongoing research is ongoing at a number of universities and institutes and is part of brain science as it stands today.
World-renowned experts lead the NBI. Dr. Recognized as one of 500 “Influential Leaders” by the US Biodiversity Agency, Neethling leads the NBI with great enthusiasm. Not only that, but there is an international team of experts and professionals who share that enthusiasm and have chosen to embrace NBI.
NBI is neither a “new invention” nor a fad. The fundamentals on which the NBI is based were discovered in the 1960s. What makes NBI efficient and effective is that it brings together complex, scientific measurements made over a long period of time into simple observations that can enrich our lives.
NBI will not convert you. You are a unique human being and what you have is perfect just the way it is. NBI will not upgrade you to a “better version”, but will guide you to better understand yourself and help you make the best of what you have.
The NBI does not measure right or wrong, good or bad, success or failure. When you take an NBI analysis, no negative secrets about you will be revealed, and even without evaluating you, we can give you some insider knowledge: “There is absolutely nothing in you that can be described as bad or that will lead you to fail .”
It is easy to implement the findings of the NBI. A great deal of time and effort went into developing NBI as a tool that anyone can use. We pride ourselves on the fact that our operating instructions contain no unnecessary “geek talk” or confusing terms.
NBI has made 20 different measuring devices that are useful for both companies and individuals, both in work and private life. We offer relevant suggestions for your career, relationships, study patterns and everything in between