Business and life coaching

We talk so that you can look at the issues that concern you from a different perspective in a supportive environment. Throughout the process, we work to enable you to take steps to achieve your business or personal goals and unblock your blockages.

Life coaching

Achieve your personal goals with my support! Together we will define your exact goals and the path to get there.

Business coaching

Use coaching to achieve your professional goals, unlock your business blockages, make decisions and develop the skills to move forward!

Team coaching

Team coaching means looking at a stuck situation together, talking through it constructively and finding answers together.

It involves a team working with the supportive presence and external insight of a professional to address the issues that arise in day-to-day workplace operations

  • questions that arise in everyday work
  • unblocking deadlocks
  • exploring difficult situations
  • resolving conflicts
  • achieving goals
  • developing more effective operations


The team coach makes you reflect, draws attention to factors that are only visible from the outside, helps you to uncover existing tensions and to look objectively at the stuck points in your operations. In this way, the team can find its own answers.