Coach, Team Coach, Supervisor
Work experiences
  • 2011- Müpa Budapest – deputy CEO
  • 2009- Kosztolánczy Consulting Ltd. – CEO, organization developer, coach, team-coach
  • 2004-2011 Centrál Theatre – finance director
  • 1997-2004 Madách Theatre – office manager


  • 2023-2024 ICF Hungarian Charter Chapter – vice president
  • Supervisor – Gordon & T.A.
  • PCM Trainer, PCM Coach
  • Metropolitan University– Business coach, Team coach
  • Ascon Consulting – Organization developer team coach
  • Gestalt Coaching Center – Gestalt coach, Executive coach
  • HR Partner Consulting – Action learning team coach
  • University of West Hungary – Business management
  • Eötvös Loránd University – Economist with a degree in Law
  • Budapest University of Economic Sciences – Economist


In progress:

  • Norsk Gestaltinstitutt / Budapesti Gestalt Intézet – Gestalt therapist