About Christopher:

Christopher is a pastor who began coaching leaders of church-plants and new worshiping communities in 2013. He was ordained in 2008 in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and has served in ministry contexts ranging from urban church planting to seminary education to rural church revitalization. Shaped by his years of pastoral experience, Christopher Brown brings a discerning and calm presence to his coaching sessions.

Trained as a coach by Loaves and Fishes Coaches Training, he received his Associate Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation in 2022, and he completed his training as a spiritual director with the Phoenix Center for Spiritual Direction in 2024. Christopher received his B.A. in Creative Writing and Religious Studies from the University of Colorado (Boulder) and earned his Master of Divinity degree at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

Christopher’s coaching is for:

  • Leaders of faith communities who are growing or adapting, including:
    • Traditional pastors
    • Bivocational or tentmaking pastors
    • New worshiping community leaders or church starters
  • Individuals who want to discern their vocation, grow spiritually, or navigate other changes in life
  • Leadership Teams seeking to grow in their capacities for discernment and attentiveness
Personal and Spiritual Growth

One-on-one coaching to help you reach your goals, make decisions, or grow personally and spiritually.

Leadership Development

Coaching for individuals looking to increase their leadership abilities and lead with more confidence.

Wilderness Experiences

Guided hikes and backpacking trips for those who wish to experience the power of coaching in wilderness settings.

Group Retreats

Retreats with leadership teams to facilitate discernment, relationship-building, and goal-setting.