Personal Development  and Caregiver Coach

I support caregivers in prioritizing their wellness so they can thrive in all dimensions of their lives. I know what it is like to put everyone else’s needs first while leaving yourself last every time. I am devoted to a partnership with you as you move from setbacks and disappointments to acceptance and growth. My career experience in university research, community mental health, medical social work, vocational education, and non-profit management provides a distinctive service portfolio. This experience coupled with my journey as a family caregiver is the foundation of my coaching practice.

Are You:

*Focused on everyone else’s needs?

*Recovering from a difficult season of life?

*Craving a sense of balance?

*Thinking: “I’ll be happy when….”?

*Feeling unseen?

Individual Coaching with flexible options offers you an opportunity to restore yourself as your own Primary Caregiver.

I partner with individuals on their journey to identify their needs and their values that are the building blocks to purposeful goals. Contact me for a complimentary 20 minute discovery session.

What part of “NORMAL” is not working for you?

The pace and expectations of our modern world challenge our wellbeing. I offer a customizable program based upon the coordinated elements of Wellbeing:

  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Food
  • Mindfulness
Individual Coaching
Group Workshops
Primary Wellness
Partnership with Me
Insights and Experiences
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