We Facilitate Realistic Action Steps

Change can only happen if it’s sustainable.  As your partner and coach, we guide you in starting out with 1 to 2 feasible actions steps per week, so you’re not overwhelmed or feel like a failure straight out of the gates. You will LEARN about yourself in this process. There is no failing.

We Hold Clients Accountable

Meeting once a week or every other week gives you the client time to try out the actions you set forth, and then check in on how it went and what barriers you came across. We discuss lessons uncovered no matter the outcome.

Finally, we empower you to make lasting health behavior changes that become cornerstones of your lifelong wellbeing. With this evidence-based approach, you are guided through your personal vision of optimal health, and into creating plans with goals and steps to achieve that very vision.

Why Is Coaching Effective?

Integrative Health Coaching is not just about your physical well-being; it is also about you as a whole person: your values, goals, work, balance, fulfillment and life purpose. Through the coaching process, clients typically reach various goals, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. Coaches use reporting, exploring, and consistently committing to positive forward improvement. This proactive working relationship will accelerate your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice.

Health Coaching is best performed over a period of three to six months on a consistent basis. These meetings can occur in person, via Zoom or over the phone and last for 30 minutes.