Still Reeling Over Being Involuntarily Unemployed?  It could be social damage.


This article is the second in a series on the topic of involuntary unemployment. It addresses the perception of having been damaged in a social sense. The next article in the series will address issues of identity and trust.

If you have lost your job, and it was not because you were fired, you may be facing certain challenges that those who have never been involuntarily unemployed may not understand or appreciate. The first article in this series explored a loss of well-being, which may be part of what you experienced when your job disappeared. In this second article in the series, we examine the possibility that you are feeling as if you have experienced social damage.

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Still Reeling Over Being Involuntarily Unemployed? It Makes Sense — This Is Why.


This article is the first in a series on the topic of involuntary unemployment and will address job loss and well-being. The next article in the series covers how job loss may lead to a perception of being damaged in a social sense.

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What Is “Stress Eating”?

It is interesting to think about the concept of stress eating because the classic response to acute stress involves physical reactions that shift our body’s energy away from the work of the digestive system which is to consume and process food. So what is stress eating? It would seem to be an action we take to soothe ourselves. Does it work?  Maybe in the moment. Will it address the underlying issues of why we need to be soothed? No.

Referencing three different studies, Herhaus writes: “Concerning the psychological mechanisms of stress-induced eating, low emotional regulation behavior and dietary restrained eating may be a risk factor for stress-induced over eating” (1). What does this mean?


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Addressing the Aftermath of Stress

According to Gallup Poll results published in June of 2022(1), the world is “Unhappier, More Stressed Out Than Ever” — these words are part of the title of an article about a poll that was conducted in 122 countries and areas. So what do you know about stress? Are you stressed? If so, what are you doing about it?

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What’s In Your Library?

A catchy commercial poses the question “What’s in your wallet?” As a life coach, my question for you is “What’s in your library?” Yes, your physical or virtual library and, most importantly, the one within you—your internal library. This collection and your ability to use it, impacts how and when you will live with ease.

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Flow Through Uncertainty:
A technique for managing stress during uncertain times

While I was among the fortunate people who were able to keep their jobs by working remotely during the pandemic which started in 2020, I faced loss and struggle. Early on I lost a coworker to the virus, and later on the father of one of my friends.

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Listening comes naturally to me. I am an introvert born to two extroverts, so the first people I heard a lot from were my parents. As I entered grade school my habit of listening got me into trouble. My second grade teacher decided to call on me since I never raised my hand to respond to her questions. To her surprise, I had answers! Yes, I was listening.

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